PMA Landscape Architects Ltd.

Colonel Sam Smith Skating Trail



Toronto’s first skating trail, designed by PMA Landscape Architects for the City of Toronto, officially opened December 11, 2010. The artificially refrigerated 250-metre long, figure eight trail is located in the West end of Toronto, in Colonel Sam Smith Park. The waterfront park is known for the diversity and quality of wildlife and vegetative habitats, and is thought to be one of the City’s best sites for bird watching. PMA’s design of the skating trail reflects the existing conditions, preserving trees while providing new habitat with native plantings and seedings.


The skating trail is adjacent to the Power House Recreation Centre, a brick building built in 1888, which has been retrofitted to provide a warm place to lace-up. Other features include lighting, for night use, and music.


CSLA Award – Regional Citation 2012

  • Toronto, ON
  • Trail- 250m, Site-10,000m2
  • Public Park

skating trail at dusk

skaing trail with Power House Recreation Centre in back

skating trail

skating trail at night

skating trail

rendered conceptual plan


© PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. 2025