PMA Landscape Architects Ltd.

O’Connor Park




O’Connor Park is situated within a residential subdivision in the City of Mississauaga. The design objective was to create an integrated open space that balances urban development with environmental conservation. This new community hub was based on the collaboration between the client, The City of Mississauga, PMA Landscape Architects, Dougan and Associates Ecological Consultants and AMEC Earth and Environmental engineers.


The environmental design goals were met by enhancing the wetland habitat through a diversity of plant communities, using 100% native species, constructing vegetated islands for turtle nesting, and basking logs and bird and bat houses all contribute to enhanced wildlife habitat.PMA’s use of innovative materials includes a parking lot with permeable paving and a central bioswale to detain and filter run-off water, a 100% recycled permeable rubber playground surface, a vegetated retaining wall system, recycled asphalt, salvaged seedbank and logs from cleared trees used in the natural area as well as play features in the natural play zone.


A central pathway connects the programmed park elements including two soccer fields, a Universally accessible Senior, Junior and Natural playground, a shelter and a large circular open lawn with opportunity for skating in the winter. The park opened in the summer of 2011 and is frequently used by the local residents and the adjacent public school.


Mississauga Urban Design Award 2012

  • Mississauga, ON
  • 17.22 acres/ 7 ha
  • Public Park

stormwater management pond and bird houses to encourage birds to nest in the park

stormwater management pond and turtle islands

students watching a game on the natural soccer field

stormwater management in the parking lot

view of the pavilion and playground

detail of plan




© PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. 2025