PMA Landscape Architects Ltd.

Ramsden Park



Centrally located in the heart of downtown Toronto and within the Ravine & Natural Feature Protection area, Ramsden Park is a 5.6 Hectares (13.7 acre) recreational park and one of the city’s oldest and largest parks. It is heavily used by a wide variety of local and commuting residents and local workers throughout the day and evening hours. However, with the high number of high-rise residential development being constructed in the vicinity, it is anticipated that the park usages will continue to grow in the future. Additionally, improvements to Ramsden Park have not been made in over 30 years, and the park was in a dilapidated state prior to the re-design. PMA Landscape Architects were retained to revitalize the park through an engaged public consultation process and development of a park conceptual master plan. Upon approval of the conceptual plans, PMA and team of sub-consultants were responsible for the detail design and construction administration for the general upgrades in the park’s phased re-design, as well as the distinctive components of Ramsden Park, including important heritage concerns, increasing park useage, improving recreational facilities, and planning critical tree succession and landscaping.


Phase 1 (completed) scope included: New tennis courts, playground, wading pool, unique wayfinding, heritage components, entry features, and walkways. Phase 2 scope (currently in the construction phase) includes upgrades to the walkways, stairways, dogs off leash area, ball diamond, multi-use court, a large steel ramp, and Yonge Street frontage. Phase 2 construction is anticipated to commence in the spring of 2017 and be completed by the fall of 2017, weather permitting.

  • Toronto, ON
  • 5.6 ha
  • Public Park
© PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. 2025