PMA Landscape Architects Ltd.

McMichael Canadian Art Collection



This project had its official opening on July 1, 2011. The project entailed the redevelopment of the MCAC grounds and the design and development of a new sculpture walk, incorporating nine new bronze sculptures by artist Ivan Eyre. The project was based upon the recommendation from the functional Master Plan prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd and PMA landscape Architects. The redevelopment of the grounds involved creating an arrival sequence and reconfiguration of the existing parking lot. Stormwater Best Management Practices were incorporated into the design of the parking lot, filtering and treating the run-off in new bio-swales. The walkway was also redesigned with a material pallete inspired by the art work of Ed Bartram and his Canadian Shield series. The concrete is a reflection and interpretation of the colours and markings of the granite in the shield.


The new sculpture walk guides visitors through a discovery of the naturally beautiful McMichael grounds. The walkway leads to the McMichael burial grounds where five of the group seven painters, as well as Signy and Robert McMichael are buried. Further along the sculpture walk the patrons see the Ivan Eyre sculptures in the true beauty of the landscape. A spiral mound permits views to four of the sculptures simultaneously. The project was funded under the Infrastructure Canada Programme (ICP).

  • Kleinberg, ON
  • 100 acres
  • Public art gallery

people strolling along the path

front entrance sign

stairs leading to the front entrance

shade structure

view of the main entrance and paths

an art sculpture created by the artists

pathway to group seven cemetery

© PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. 2025